Each one of us is biochemically different. What works for one person will not work for everyone. Instead of using the same protocols over and over again, together we will focus on what integrative solutions are right for YOU!

My Approach:

I am a clinical nutritionist taking a functional & integrative medicine approach.

  • We will look at the Root cause(s) of your symptoms. With autoimmunity, GI and mental health conditions, often there is more than one root cause. We will look at your unique timeline and health history to help us do all the detective work necessary to achieve lasting change.

  • We will use personalized food plans to fit you and your unique bioindividuality. Instead of following the latest SM trends or what your friends are doing, we look at what will work well for you and your lifestyle, genetic makeup and preferences.

  • We may use Functional Testing such as stool tests, organic acid testing, hormone testing such as the DUTCH, Micronutrient testing, genetic testing, or mold and environmental toxins testing to get to the root of your symptoms. This is NOT necessary in all cases, but it is sometimes extremely helpful to take a closer look at what’s going on inside.

  • I believe in using FOOD FIRST whenever possible with the addition of some quality therapeutic supplements to improve healing when needed.

  • Lifestyle is a big part of Integrative Medicine. Together we will look at your environment, movement, sleep, relationships, and stress resilience to see how any adjustments can enhance your health (both mental and physical).


  • STEP 1


    Before our initial consultation, you will fill out a detailed intake form allowing me a better overall picture of your personal health history as well as your family’s, symptoms affecting your whole body, your health goals, lifestyle and eating habits. You’ll complete a 3 day food log as well. If you have labs from the last 6 months, please feel free to submit those too. These items will each helps to provide me with a clearer picture of your current state of health and what your personal goals are for us working together.

    Starting with a 90 min consultation, where we will take a deep dive into your unique story to help understand the root cause/s of your condition, we will explore what has worked and what hasn’t in the past.

    You will leave the session already feeling more empowered with a clear sense of what your next steps will be. You will also have an initial step by step action plan you can start putting into place right away.

  • STEP 2


    The first follow-up session will take place 1-2 weeks after the initial consultation depending on your individual needs. In this session we will review any lab reports, if applicable, and any other presentation of findings.

    Your personalized plan may include any of the below:

    • A gut healing food plan to calm symptoms

    • Lab recommendations

    • Lifestyle modifications for improving sleep, stress management or personalized movement recommendations

    • Supplement recommendations

    • Each step will be at your own pace whether that means baby steps or jumping right in!

  • STEP 3


    Follow-up sessions will be every 2-3 weeks depending on your individual needs.

    Follow up sessions provide

    • Review of your current state, diet, lifestyle, supplements, and any new medications.

    • Review lab results and refine as needed.

    • Discussion of any previous changes, how they are working and how they may need to be tweaked.

    • Mindful eating techniques

    • Health coaching

  • STEP 4


    Based on our work together, there may be some necessary short term adjustments you have made to your diet such as a short term elimination diet to help relieve symptoms or discover your personal triggers for various symptoms including anxiety, joint pain, inflammation, etc, These will be reassessed and modified here as elimination diets are never meant to be a long term solution. My goal is to have you eating a diverse diet as possible!

  • STEP 5


    Based on the outcome of your personal protocol, we will have a clearer understanding of what foods, supplements, movement and other lifestyle changes make you feel your best! You will leave with a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan that will empower you with sustainable and life changing results.

Individual Sessions

Free 20-minute phone consultations

Schedule a free phone consult to discuss what’s going on with you and how I may be able to help.

Nutrition Counseling - Ala Carte Sessions

Functional nutrition involves an in depth look into all your body systems and how they play a role in your health. We don’t only look at how to treat your symptoms, but we look at how and why they got there in the first place. Together, we will carefully review timelines, health histories, medication and supplement usage, and more . Initial visits last approximately 90 minutes, and will leave you with a more complete understanding of what’s happening in your body. At the end of the session, you will leave with an individualized plan to fit your unique lifestyle and health needs.

Initial Consultation
- Initial consultations are 90 min, via video conferencing (note: all packages below include this cost)
Cost: $275 for initial intake, if not selecting a package below
Service includes: access to professional-grade supplements, note taking, health history review, and initial customized plan

Follow-Up Visits
- Follow-ups are 45 min

These are booked if you choose to do ‘ala carte’ follow-up visits instead of booking a package (note - follow-ups can only be booked after an initial intake is completed)

Cost: $180

Follow-ups can be booked via phone or video conferencing. Please note , these visits can be booked a la carte instead of booking a package only if you have already completed an initial intake.

Follow-ups include a personalized nutrition plan, access to professional grade supplements, full note-taking and documentation on Practice Better, health history review, and further customized plans.
Payment & Insurance


Most clients I see need anywhere from 4 -10 sessions, depending on their health status. Working with packages saves you money and allows us to address your unique health issues thoroughly, resulting in lasting changes.

6 Session Package


Cost: $995 for 1 initial consultation (90 min) and 5 follow-up appointments (45 min)
Package savings: $180 savings ($1,175 value)
Supplements: 20% discount (orders placed on Fullscript.com)
Addl: Personalized nutrition plan,
access to professional-grade supplements, text messaging, unlimited portal messaging, professional note taking

Genetic Testing Package


Cost: $1135 for 3 x4 Genetics Testing 1 initial consultation (90 min), and 2 follow-up appointments (45 min each)

Supplements: 20% discount (orders placed on Fullscript.com)
Addl: Personalized nutrition plan,
access to professional-grade supplements, text messaging, unlimited portal messaging, professional note taking

Hormone Testing Package

Cost: $1100 for DUTCH PLUS testing, 1 initial consultation (90 min), and 2 follow-up appointments (45 min each)

Supplements: 20% discount (orders placed on Fullscript.com)
Addl: Personalized nutrition plan,
access to professional-grade supplements, text messaging, unlimited portal messaging, professional note taking

Follow up Packages
Cost: $475 for 3 follow-up appointments, 45 mins each- can be purchased only after completion of a 6 session package.

Package savings: $65 savings ($540value)
Addl: Personalized nutrition plan,
access to professional supplements, unlimited text messaging and portal messaging, professional note taking

Payment: We accept all major credit cards, FSA and HSA. Payment is required prior to the consultation. 

Insurance: We do not take insurance at this time, however, we can provide a receipt (super bill) for you that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.

* I am currently in the process of putting together home study programs and private group sessions. Please email me with any questions at health@nourishingrootsfl.com

Book A 20 min Free Strategy Call

Curious about working together? Schedule a free discovery call below or by contacting Nourishing Roots at health@nourishingrootsfl.com. I look forward to speaking with you!

Currently I am seeing clients through phone and virtual appointments . To schedule click here . Please feel free to email me with any questions. It is important to me that I am able to provide adequate attention to all clients, and that I’m the right nutrition professional for you. Please schedule a discovery call to find out if we are a good fit.